Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Maclain's 1st Birthday

Clean Plate Club Members Only
"Sharing time is sharing time" Tavis Koltz

Future riders?


We had just as much fun eating the eggs as decorating them. Easter brunch at GG's house--always fun to dress up a bit and get together.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Random pictures

Tavis the "brachiosaurus" is eating his lunch. (raw broccoli)

If this picture looks familiar, you're a long-time viewer of this blog. Check out "Cutest Picture Ever" in 2006...we have a contender.

Christmas 2008

The visit to Santa Claus went pretty well this year. Ben and I were a little embarrassed when Tavis asked for a "parrot with poop on its head". Santa chuckled and was not the least bit bothered.

A few days after Christmas we enjoyed a visit from the Bellingham side of the family. Christmas lasted all week and poor Tavis still thinks we should be celebrating!

Looks like Tavis and Maclain enjoyed the gifts that Santa had left for Christmas morning.

This year we spent a wonderful Christmas Evening at GG Mason's house. The boys played Santa's elves and were even visited by the big Man himself.

The First Snow