Friday, July 29, 2005

Tavis's First Photos of Life

Tavis with "Auntie" Dani

Rock Star Baby!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

He's here

Hello All,

Tavis Luck Koltz was born on July 27th at 9:45 pm. He weighed in at 8 lbs 1.2 ounces and measured 19.5" long. So far he eats, sleeps, and poos just like a pro, and i've got to say he's a beautiful baby. Mom did an awesome job but i'll let her fill everyone in on the labor when she comes home. We also have lots of pictures to post but I left the camera at the hospital so those will have to come later. We'll keep everyone posted on any developments.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

July 27th update (you've been so patient!)

Had a Dr.'s appt Tues the 26th and am dialated 4 cm. Started having contractions that afternoon. Called Ben home from work early, called Jenny (Ben's cousin, our doula) to come over and spent the evening working through some contractions and going on long walks. Went to bed around 11pm and water broke this morning at 4:30am. We're now headed to the hospital, things are looking good...wish us "luck"!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ummm...not yet

I know a lot of you are checking this daily so I want to keep you updated. My contractions leveled off in the evening of the 20th, and the baby has been super mellow since then. However, today I have had some signs of progress (sorry, no gory details!) and as most of you know, it's anyone's guess at this point!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Could this be it?

July 19th, Due Date: I had a Dr's appt today and she said that I am on my way past pre-labor (non-committal contractions for the last week or so) to early labor, the next stage. I am wary of this news as I don't want to get my hopes up, it seems too good to be true at this point! After a long walk in the sun on Alki I started getting stronger contractions in the evening around 7pm. (Ben said, "No kid of mine is going to be late" so baby did the best he/she could!) Soon they were 10 minutes apart and we called our doula, Ben's cousin Jenny. We were excited but knew that this is the longest phase and should try and get some sleep. It's now 5:30 am, Jenny is anxiously awaiting our next phone call, Ben stayed home from work and I continue to have contractions every 10 minutes. That's all for now, update will probably be from the proud daddy!

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Ben & Karie (8 months pregnant)

As requested: a recent picture of us

As of today, July 2nd I am about 38 weeks pregnant. Studies say that 80% of all births happen between weeks 38 and 42. I'm still fixated on the magic date of July 19th but trying to have an open mind. We just hope that the baby isn't too late because the upcoming wedding of Ben's sister, Becca is on Aug. 13th. Of course we'll take what we can get because we have to. We better get used to being flexible, I'm told it'll make life with a baby much easier.

Our friend Tammy has created a pool for the baby's arrival; she's taking bets on the weight and length of baby Koltz as well as a birthdate. Let me know if you'd like a part of the action; 50% of the proceeds will go to the baby's savings account. Nothing like a little gambling to include everyone in the fun!